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Personal Injury Attorney in Oxnard, Ventura, Santa Barbara & Berkeley

The Dangers of Tired Driving

driver rubbing his eyes from fatigue

When someone stays awake for an extended number of hours or hasn’t slept enough, they lose significant motor function abilities. Unfortunately, many of those who don’t get enough sleep are tired, yet they still make the decision to drive because they don’t consider themselves to be impaired.

How Dangerous Is Tired Driving?

Unfortunately, tired driving can be just as dangerous as nearly any other form of negligence. For instance, if you stay awake for 18 hours and drive, it’s almost the same as driving while intoxicated with a 0.08% blood alcohol concentration level. The longer a person stays awake without sleep, the more dangerous it is.

Many people once thought that drowsy driving contributed to about 2-3% of crashes. However, a more recent study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shows the number is closer to 9.5% of all crashes and roughly 11% of collisions resulting in property damage.

Signs of Tired Driving

Tired driving leads to significant impairment. Like drunk driving, tired driving can impact depth perception, decision-making, focus, and more. It’s easy for someone who is too tired to cause a devastating collision while they are not paying close attention to what’s happening around them.

Signs of tired driving to look out for include:

  • Swerving
  • Random braking
  • Increasing speed
  • Driver’s head down

Many people think that they’re okay to drive if they’re just a bit tired. However, it can result in the driver closing their eyes for much longer than they expect and causing a severe crash.

Our car accident attorneys at Crane Flores, LLP are here to help you every step of the way. If you suffer harm because of a tired driver, you deserve to hold them accountable for the damages they cause. Our team serves clients throughout Oxnard, Ventura County, and Santa Barbara County. We’re here to help you.

Call our firm at (805) 628-4967 today.
