Your physical injuries after an accident can impact your entire life. Sometimes, you may experience long-term pain from your injuries, while other pain may have latency issues. It’s vital for you to recognize how physical therapy can help, but also, you should know how compensation can help with covering the costs associated with physical therapy.
When you need to go through physical therapy, you may experience a few issues, but know that it can be beneficial for your health and your claim.
Does Physical Therapy Help?
Physical therapy is helpful in numerous situations. While some injuries may require more medical procedures, physical therapy provides a lot of relief for more minor injuries. Physical therapists focus on trouble areas where you feel pain from your accident, and it can help in showing your injuries and their severity.
How Much Physical Therapy is Necessary?
The length of time you should get physical therapy is dependent on many factors. Three of the most common include the severity of your accident, your type of injury, and your history of injuries. Of course, the more severe your injuries are, the more physical therapy you may require.
Why Do I Feel Sore After Physical Therapy?
One of the biggest concerns people have after physical therapy is that they feel sore. Keep in mind, this isn’t a bad thing. It means that your muscles are working towards recovery and the physical therapy is working.
Your soreness should be short term. More importantly, the soreness means you should have long-term health and recovery from your injuries.
At Crane Flores, LLP, we work hard to help you understand your rights. Our car accident attorneys put your needs first and fight on your side to obtain the compensation you deserve. Physical therapy can be expensive. If you need compensation after an accident anywhere in Santa Barbara County or Ventura County, know that we’re here to help.
Call our firm at (805) 628-4967 today and discuss your options with our team.